Check out the items for the New Knoxville NHS Fundraiser! Please allow 2-3 weeks after deadline for delivery. Deadline is Sunday, November 13! For more info, click here: https://nkhsfundraiser22.itemorder.com/shop/home/

Don’t forget about the Kroger Community Rewards program. If you shop at Krogers and have a Kroger Plus Card you can help contribute to New Knoxville School. If you have not registered your card with New Knoxville School you can click here and sign-up!

A big Congratulations to this young lady ! She is the state winner for the God, Flag and Country Speech contest. So proud of you, Keianna! Thanks to Mrs. Linda Wolf for coaching our kids for so many years! Your time and dedication have made such a difference!

The 4th graders were archeologists today and excavated their middens and mounds. They picked their favorite or most interesting artifact and are going to write a creative piece about it!