2A enjoyed the Character Book Parade and a spooky classroom transformation to review our math skills!

1B enjoyed the Character Book Parade and Halloween Stations on Friday! 🎃❤️

3B Character Book Parade!

Second grade enjoyed some fun math review today! We partnered up and did haunted house stations in Mrs. Wierwille and Mrs. Gross’s haunted classrooms! 🧡🖤

KA had an eventful day- Character book parade, carving pumpkins, and a fun movie! Our student aide Emma even made us cookies!

The book character parade was a blast!

1A Book Character Parade

Mrs. Gross’s classroom in 2nd grade was transformed into a spooky haunted house this week! 👻

Room transformation day in 4th grade. Students were all working on different activities in their spooky rooms!

Congratulations to all K-8 Rangers of the week winners! Great job!

Don’t forget tomorrow is the character book parade for grades K-3! Please make sure your child has a book to carry with them!

Congratulations to Mrs. Mele's class for following the Ranger Cafe Rules during lunch. They are the next class to receive The Golden Spatula Award. They enjoyed a large chocolate chip cookie and milk for displaying great behavior during lunch. Congratulations! 🍪

2B had fun carving our bat pumpkin today! 🎃

Pumpkin carving in Mrs. Mele's room!!!

Ariyah Pfenning will be running at Regionals this Saturday at Tiffin. Please line the streets Saturday morning at 7:45am to help send her off in true Ranger fashion!!

Mrs. Koesters' Quantitative Reasoning students used math formulas and concepts to plan a trip! The attention to detail and the presentation were both fantastic!

3B began learning about multiplication this week! We are building our multiplication strategies with some Play-Doh today!

Friday is the Character Book Parade for K-3 students. Please make sure your child has a book to carry with them. Anyone and everyone can line the streets to see the parade! Attached is a map. If we would have bad weather, the parade will be in the big gym and everyone is invited inside to watch. Thank you!

"Tuesday will be crazy hair and crazy sock day" to support the Volleyball team in Districts. Sock it to the Flyers!"
"Friday will be Costume Day to support Ariyah Pfenning as she will compete in the regional cross country meet on Saturday." School appropriate costumes only

Miss Clark was a fantastic teacher today in 2B! She was on top of every task- passing out tickets for extra homework, rocket math, giving rewards, and more! She acted the part AND dressed the part! 🍎 ✏️